Price including fees 
Apostille (10 days)$190
Same day service fee$190
Legalisation (10 days)$490
International shipping$49
Translation per page$39

 How much does an Apostille cost?

Government fees for apostille vary in each state and country. The government fees can be increased also in case you need express services. The fees are usually around $100. If you do not want to obtain apostille yourself, then you may order our services. Our services might be helpful if you need apostille from a different state or if you need apostille from overseas.

How can I pay for an Apostille?

In the U.S., you can pay with check. However, abroad some government authorities require for payment local stamps, local money orders or local checks. If you have problems to pay for an Apostille either in the U.S. or abroad, you can use our services, and we will arrange the payment the Apostille.

How much does Legalization cost?

Legalisation is more expensive because government fees must be paid to government authorities of both countries.

How can I pay for legalisation?

The same that applies to apostille regarding payment, applies also to legalisation. In the U.S. you can pay usually with check, and abroad the government authorities usually require payment with local stamps, local money order or local check.